Branding an independent Artist

 I've dropped two singles over the last year as Delicate Infinite.  These first two have been more of a classical crossover play which I like a lot, but perhaps isn't my natural style.  I love glitchy electronica, pop, indie, dance, DJs and well, all sorts of things.  So coming up with a branding that signals all of these things that are coming whilst not being weird for the classical crossover genre was a bit of a challenge.

I love Andrew Huang and feel a musical affinity with him as his style is well, nearly everything.  I love his clean branding style.  As I am a small artist with no money to spend I was curious as to which font he used and noticed he used Futura.  It's a solid font, but it really shines in all caps.  It seems to work for my cross-genre thing I'm going for too.
